Title: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Statistical Signal Processing in Financial Technology (FinTech)
Speakers: Prof. Wei-Ho Chung, National
Tsing Hua University
Prof. Che Lin, National Taiwan University
Chair: Prof. Yeong-Luh Ueng
Abstract: Financial technology (Fintech), a broad category that refers to the innovative use of ICT technology in the design and delivery of financial services and products, as revolutionized the financial industry or even more broadly the service industry. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence (NI) displayed by humans and other animals. The tremendous success of AI and machine learning algorithms in the area of computer vision and natural language processing has demonstrated great potential of further applications into other disciplines. One of the most promising areas is the use of AI, machine learning, and financial data analytics in FinTech. In this tutorial, we will first introduce the financial concepts in the context of ICT and then aim to provide an overview of the recent trends in Fintech, machine learning and statistical signal processing approaches for tackling important challenges in FinTech, and how such approaches can be applied to solve real-world problems. We will discuss the challenges, constraints, and opportunities in this fascinating research area.
Short Bio:
Dr. Wei-Ho Chung received the B.Sc.
and M.Sc. degrees in Electrical Engineering
from the National Taiwan University, Taipei,
Taiwan, in 2000 and 2002, respectively, and
the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering
from the University of California, Los
Angeles, in 2009. From 2002 to 2005, he was
with ChungHwa Telecommunications Company. In
2008, he worked on CDMA systems at Qualcomm,
Inc., San Diego, CA. His research interests
include communications, signal processing,
and networks. Dr. Chung received the Ta-You
Wu Memorial Award from Ministry of Science
and Technology in 2016, Best Paper Award in
IEEE WCNC 2012, and Taiwan Merit Scholarship
from 2005 to 2009. He has published over 50
journal articles and over 50 conference
papers. Since January 2010, Dr. Chung had
been an assistant research fellow, and
promoted to the rank of associate research
fellow in 2014 in Academia Sinica. Since
2018, he has been a full Professor in
Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua
University. He leads the Wireless
Communications Lab in National Tsing Hua
University, Taiwan.
Dr. Che Lin received the B.S. degree
in Electrical Engineering from National
Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 1999.
He received the M.S. degree in Electrical
and Computer Engineering in 2003, the M.S.
degree in Math in 2008, and the Ph.D. degree
in Electrical and Computer Engineering in
2008, all from the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, IL. In 2008, he joined the
Department of Electrical Engineering at
National Tsing Hua University as an
assistant professor, and has been an
associate professor since August 2014. Dr.
Lin received a two-year Vodafone graduate
fellowship in 2006, the E. A. Reid
fellowship award in 2008, and holds a U.S.
patent, which has been included in the 3GPP
LTE standard. In 2012, he received the
Excellent Teaching Award for the college of
EECS, NTHU. He won the best paper award for
2014 GIW-ISCB-ASIA conference. In 2015, he
received the CIEE outstanding young
electrical engineer Award. In 2017, he
received the Young Scholar Innovation Award
from Foundation For The Advancement Of
Outstanding Scholarship. He is a senior
member of IEEE. His research interests
include deep learning, data mining and
analytic, signal processing in wireless
communications, optimization theory, systems
biology, and FinTech.
Title: Optical Mobile Communications
Speaker: Prof. Zaichen Zhang, Southeast University
Chair: Prof. Fei Qiao
Abstract: The 6G mobile communication system will be an integrated information system covering deep space, air, terrestrial, sea surface, and undersea communications. All frequency spectrum will be exploited to cater the needs of high-speed and full-coverage information transmission. The optical spectrum, which has huge frequency spectrum resources, will play a more and more important role in the development of the next generation mobile communication systems. In this tutorial, we will introduce state-of-the-art optical wireless communication (OWC) technologies, including free space optical (FSO) communications, visible light communications (VLC), as well as a newly proposed optical mobile communication (OMC) technology. Further development of OWC technologies in 6G scenario will be addressed, with emphasis on how the OWC technologies will be incorporated into the mobile communication architecture.
Short Bio:
Professor Zaichen Zhang received B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical and information engineering from Southeast University, Nanjing in 1996 and 1999, respectively, and Ph.D. degree in electrical and electronic engineering from the University of Hong Kong in 2002. From 2002 to 2004, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the National mobile Communications Research Laboratory (NCRL), Southeast University. He is currently the executive Dean of School of Information Science and Engineering, Southeast University. He has authored over 200 papers and issued over 30 patents. He is senior member of the IEEE. He served as IEEE ICC 2015 Keynote Chair, IEEE ICNC 2015 and PIMRC Symposium Chairs, and IEEE ICC 2019 Operation Chair. He was the Distinguished Visiting Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering, UK, 2017 and the invited speaker of IEEE ICCC 2017. His current research interests include 6G mobile information systems, optical wireless communications, and quantum information technologies.
Title: Internet of Things (IoT): Signals, Communications, Applications, Challenges, and Future Research
Speaker: Prof. Ahmed Abdelgawad, Central Michigan University
Chair: Prof. Pei-Yun Tsai
Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects or “things” embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity. It enables the objects to collect, share, and analyze data. The IoT has become an integral part of our daily lives through applications such as public safety, intelligent tracking in transportation, industrial wireless automation, personal health monitoring, and health care for the aged community. IoT is one of the latest technologies that will change our lifestyle in coming years. Experts estimate that as of now, there are 23 billon connected devices, and by 2020 it would reach to 30 billion devices. This tutorial aims to introduce the design and implementation of IoT systems. The foundations of IoT will be discussed throughout real applications. Challenges and constrains for the future research in IoT will be discussed. In addition, research opportunities and collaboration will be offered for the attendees.
Short Bio:
Dr. Ahmed Abdelgawad received his
M.S. and a Ph.D. degree in Computer
Engineering from University of Louisiana at
Lafayette in 2007 and 2011 and subsequently
joined IBM as a Design Aids & Automation
Engineering Professional at Semiconductor
Research and Development Center. In Fall
2012 he joined Central Michigan University
as a Computer Engineering Assistant
Professor. In Fall 2017, Dr. Abdelgawad was
early promoted as a Computer Engineering
Associate Professor. He is a senior member
of IEEE. His area of expertise is
distributed computing for Wireless Sensor
Network (WSN), Internet of Things (IoT),
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), data
fusion techniques for WSN, low power
embedded system, video processing, digital
signal processing, Robotics, RFID,
Localization, VLSI, and FPGA design. He has
published two books and more than 82
articles in related journals and
conferences. Dr. Abdelgawad served as a
reviewer for several conferences and
journals, including IEEE WF-IoT, IEEE ISCAS,
Communications Magazine, Springer, Elsevier,
IEEE Transactions on VLSI, and IEEE
Transactions on I&M. He severed in the
technical committees of IEEE ISCAS 2007,
IEEE ISCAS 2008, and IEEE ICIP 2009
conferences. He served in the administration
committee of IEEE SiPS 2011. He also served
in the organizing committee of ICECS2013 and
2015. Dr. Abdelgawad was the publicity chair
in North America of the IEEE WF-IoT
2016/18/19 conferences. He was the finance
chair of the IEEE ICASSP 2017. He is the TPC
Co-Chair of I3C'17, the TPC Co-Chair of
GIoTS 2017, and the technical program chair
of IEEE MWSCAS 2018. He was the keynote
speaker for many international conferences
and conducted many webinars. He is currently
the IEEE Northeast Michigan section chair
and IEEE SPS Internet of Things (IoT) SIG
Member. In addition, Dr. Abdelgawad served
as a PI and Co-PI for several funded grants
from NSF.
Title: Generative Adversarial Network and its Applications to Speech Signal and Natural Language Processing
Speaker: Prof. Hung-yi Lee, National Taiwan University
Chair: Prof. Che Lin
Abstract: Generative adversarial network (GAN) is a new idea for training models, in which a generator and a discriminator compete against each other to improve the generation quality. Recently, GAN has shown amazing results in image generation, and a large amount and a wide variety of new ideas, techniques, and applications have been developed based on it. Although there are only few successful cases, GAN has great potential to be applied to text and speech generations to overcome limitations in the conventional methods. There are three parts in this tutorial. In the first part, I will give an introduction of GAN and provide a thorough review about this technology. In the second part, I will focus on the applications of GAN to speech signal processing. In the third part, I will describe the major challenge of sentence generation by GAN and review a series of approaches dealing with the challenge.
Short Bio:
Hung-yi Lee received the M.S. and
Ph.D. degrees from National Taiwan
University (NTU), Taipei, Taiwan, in 2010
and 2012, respectively. From September 2012
to August 2013, he was a postdoctoral fellow
in Research Center for Information
Technology Innovation, Academia Sinica. From
September 2013 to July 2014, he was a
visiting scientist at the Spoken Language
Systems Group of MIT Computer Science and
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL).
He is currently an assistant professor of
the Department of Electrical Engineering of
National Taiwan University, with a joint
appointment at the Department of Computer
Science & Information Engineering of the
university. His research focuses on machine
learning (especially deep learning), spoken
language understanding and speech
recognition. He owns a YouTube channel
teaching deep learning (in Mandarin) with
more than 3M views and 39k subscribers (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2ggjtuuWvxrHHHiaDH1dlQ/playlists).
Title: Making Healthcare More Accessible via AI: Extension of Telemedicine
Speaker: Prof. Gwo Giun (Chris) Lee, National Cheng Kung University
Chair: Prof. Yuan-Hao Huang
Abstract: This tutorial will focus on innovative digital health ecosystem and analytics system which fosters extension of telemedicine through the transfer of comprehensive medical expertise and experiences via Artificial Intelligence (AI) from tertiary medical centers to remote care facilities in making healthcare more accessible! Cancer is among the most important issues of healthcare worldwide. However, under current medical systems, diagnosis of these severe diseases is commonly delayed, especially in remote locations with limited medical resources. Hence it is necessary to facilitate early screening at these distant care units using Computer-Aided-Diagnostic (CAD) tools possessing tertiary centers’ experiences accumulated through AI. In attempts to reform and advance the digital health environment, using skin care as example, this tutorial introduces an ecosystem, by which integration of remote care facilities is substantiated, through utilization of high accuracy and efficiency of AI as extension of telemedicine! Being an exemplary, this AI medical networking model is readily extensible to global medical and biotech communities! This tutorial will also introduce the speaker’s reconfigurable edge system for the detection of Skin Cancer on mobile devices with more than 95% accuracy.
Short Bio:
Chris Gwo Giun Lee is an investigator
in the field of signal processing systems
including multimedia and bioinformatics. His
endeavors in system design, based on
analytics of algorithm concurrently with
analytics architecture, has made possible
computations on System-on-Chip and cloud
platforms in resolving complex problems with
both accuracy and efficiency. Having
previously held leading and managerial
positions in the industry such as System
Architect in former Philips Semiconductor in
Silicon Valley, Lee was recruited to NCKU in
2003 where he found and is currently
directing the Bioinfotronics Research
Lee received his B.S. degree in electrical
engineering from National Taiwan University
and both his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in
electrical engineering from University of
Massachusetts. He has contributed more than
130 original research and technical
publications with the invention of 60+
patents worldwide.
Lee serves as the AE for IEEE TSP and
Journal of Signal Processing Systems. He was
formerly the AE for IEEE TCSVT for which he
received the Best Associate Editor’s Award
in 2011.
Title: Tensor Subspace Analysis in Signal Processing
Speaker: Prof. Yipeng Liu, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Chair: Prof. Wei-Ho Chung
Abstract: The standard matrix computation can not fully exploit the global data structure in higher-order signal processing. The recent advances in tensor computation allow us to move from classical matrix based methods to tensor based methods for many signal processing techniques. This tutorial focuses on different tensor decompositions for tensor subspace analysis in signal processing. Firstly, a basic coverage of tensor notations, preliminary operations, and main tensor decompositions is briefly provided. Based on them, a series of tensor subspace analysis methods are presented, as the multi-linear extensions of classical sparse signal recovery, principle component analysis, matrix completion, non-negative matrix factorization, linear regression, subspace cluster, etc. The experimental results for some signal processing applications are given, e.g., image reconstruction, denoising, illumination normalization, background extraction, and classification. Finally, some deep tensor networks are discussed for possible tensor signal processing applications.
Short Bio:
Yipeng Liu received the B.Sc. degree
in biomedical engineering and the Ph.D.
degree in information and communication
engineering from University of Electronic
Science and Technology of China (UESTC),
Chengdu, in 2006 and 2011, respectively.
From 2010 to 2011, he was a visiting PhD
student in Tsinghua University, Beijing,
China. In 2011, he was a research engineer
at Huawei Technologies, Chengdu, China. From
2011 to 2014, he was a postdoctoral research
fellow at University of Leuven, Leuven,
Belgium. Since 2014, he has been an
associate professor with University of
Electronic Science and Technology of China
(UESTC), Chengdu, China.
His research interest is tensor signal
processing. He has authored or co-authored
over 50 publications on these areas. One of
the co-authored papers received the ISMRM
MERIT AWARD of Magna cum laude at ISMRM
2015. He also holds more than 10 patents. He
has been a principal investigator (PI) or
Co-PI for a number of R&D projects (funded
by government and industry) on tensor signal
processing theory and its applications. He
has given and will give tutorials on a
number of international conferences, such as
ISCAS 2019, APSIPA ASC 2019.
He serves as managing guest editor of the
Special Issue on Tensor Image Processing of
the journal Signal Processing: Image
Communication. As an expert on tensor signal
processing, he has served 4 international
conferences as a technical/program committee
member. He is an IEEE senior member, a
member of the Multimedia Technology
Technical Committee of Chinese Computer
Federation, and a member of China Society of
Image and Graphics on Youth Working
Committee. He is the scientific advisor of
Beiton AI. He has been teaching the course
optimization theory and applications for
graduates since 2015, and got the first
prize of the 8th University Teaching
Achievement Award in 2016.